Display for cuttings
All plant enthusiasts are involved in plant cuttings It’s an easy way to multiply their plants for free, without harming the mother plant.
How is it made?

The things you need:
- A wooden frame slat 2.8cm wide and 170cm long at least
- Nylon or natural string
- One meter
- 6 test tubes with flanges
- 6 wood screws of 4 cm, anti-cracking (prevents pre-drilling and wood bursting) + 1 screwdriver
- 1 wickerwork roller + a stapler - A drill with a small bit
- A saw

Cutting the wooden stick for the frame
Démarrer par la coupe des tasseaux afin de constituer la structure du présentoir :
- 2 lengths of 50 cm
- 2 lengths of 35 cm (for the sides).
Sand the edges lightly to smooth out any splinters.
Assemble the parts with the screws as shown in the picture (screw on the outer parts). To reinforce the strength of the frame, use some wood glue as well.

Assembling the structure
On the width of the slats, make a pencil mark at 5 cm /8 cm / 8 cm / 8 cm / 8 cm / 5 cm, then drill 6 holes with the smallest drill bit.
The piece of wickerwork should be 53x33cm. Stretch it as much as possible to get a nice look, check that the front and back sides are properly positioned It must be stapled to the back of the frame.

Preparation of the test tubes
This step consists in tying the test tubes to the wickerwork with a knot around the tube. It is also possible to use a thicker rope (1.5mm), natural rope or wires.

Securing the containers
To secure the test tubes to the structure, it is recommended to slide the string through one of the holes of the wickerwork and tie it with multiple knots. If it does not look properly secured, use flat-head nails or staples.

Keeping the water clean
Aquatic mint has an incredible depolluting power! It works as an all-natural filter and controls the growth of bacteria and toxic algae.

An amazing recipe!
You just must grind a few roots in a blender and place them at the bottom of each tube.

Plant selection
The pothos (or split-apsus), the Philodenons, Monstera adansonii are very easy to bud, just cut one end of the stem below a knot.
Tradescentias, Ceropegia woodii, Peperomia argyrias and mint are even easier to bud since there is no knot issue when cutting the stem.
An original idea from Zess