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30 years of action by our foundation


This year, it is with great pleasure and pride that we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of our foundation. It is the perfect occasion to reflect on how far we’ve come, celebrate our successes and draw inspiration for the future.


Over the past three decades, we have witnessed and played a part in a growing collective awareness of the importance of biodiversity.

30 years of commitment has taken the form of initiatives to protect biodiversity and reforestation, and the development of awareness-raising programs for the younger generations, the future agents of change. It has also meant 30 years of research to identify tomorrow's solutions through plants.

On this anniversary, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who have contributed to our mission over the years: our founders, our local partners, our teams and committed citizens.

It is this unwavering support that has enabled us to accomplish these projects and maintain our commitment to the plant cause in the years to come.

Let's continue to work, let's continue to share our knowledge, and let's green our lives.



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Protecting biodiversity and the balance of ecosystems:

Driven by our conviction that plants hold the key to tomorrow's solutions, our work reflects our desire to protect and preserve biodiversity, and thus to strive for a more sustainable planet. These 30 years of commitment have enabled us to act in support of reforestation and the protection of plants threatened with extinction.


Over the past 30 years, we have been involved in several reforestation projects in the Amazon, Indonesia, Africa and France, enabling the planting of 200,000 trees in line with agroecological principles. We believe that without plants, there would be no life on earth; for this reason, we also support projects to preserve plants threatened with extinction, such as the wild peony of Tibet, Paeonia sterniana, the Curepipe palm tree on Mauritius, and the endemic plants of Easter Island.

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Raising awareness among future generations:

For Klorane Botanical Foundation, sharing knowledge is an essential response to the changes our planet is undergoing. Since its creation in 1994, the foundation has been committed to passing on its botanical knowledge to future generations, and to raising awareness of the importance of preserving biodiversity. We hope to encourage them to act responsibly and respectfully to promote biodiversity.

Our aim is to sow the seeds of a love of nature in the younger generations, so that they can cultivate the solutions of tomorrow.


To achieve this goal, we distribute over 1,700 “Budding Botanist” starter kits to schools and families every year. These kits not only provide an initial introduction to environmental issues, but also enable children to discover how a plant functions, both theoretically and practically, by sowing their own seeds.

Our participation in the Forest&Life educational program also provides a way of combining knowledge-sharing, reforestation, and international support. For every tree planted in France, two are planted in a southern country. Every year, 200 children in France and Madagascar plant over 1,500 trees and interact with each other.

In 30 years of action around the world, Klorane Botanical Foundation has helped to raise awareness among more than 800,000 children of the plant cause and the role they will play in tomorrow's world.

Finally, we are proud of our Botany For Change call for projects, which brings together some thirty citizen associations each year, proposing high-quality projects in support of biodiversity and humanity.

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Innovating with plants

For the past 30 years, we have been exploring the power of plants to find solutions for tomorrow. We have always been passionate about plants, because we know that they not only heal, nourish, clean up pollution and limit global warming, but also enable us to breathe more easily. That's why, for the past 30 years, we have been funding research to promote and demonstrate the important role plants play in our solutions for tomorrow.


For example, in partnership with the ChimEco laboratory, we have been able to demonstrate the incredible depolluting properties of water mint and taro to clean up a river in the Cévennes region and a lagoon in Mooréa respectively.

We are also looking into natural alternatives to pesticides, studying how one medicinal plant can treat another with a fermented nettle extract.

Every year, we support university theses exploring the power of plants, within the context of the Great Green Wall project, to identify the most beneficial plants for desert soils.

Together, let's growth plants for tomorrow.

picto biodiversite
30 years
of commitment to preserving biodiversity
picto recherche
research missions
picto arbres
200 000
trees planted using agroecology
picto enfants
800 000
children reached

Who are we ?

For 30 years now, Klorane Botanical Foundation has been working all over the world to preserve plant biodiversity and explore the power of plants.